Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment at Blalock Orthodontics

Some orthodontic conditions are much easier to correct if they’re detected early on. Plus you will have the peace of mind in knowing that your may or may not need corrective orthodontic work.  Early orthodontic treatment is about preventing more severe problems later on. It provides the opportunity for us to have control over where the permanent teeth erupt by addressing the structure of the jaw and teeth while the primary teeth are still in place. By age seven, your child’s mouth has grown enough and can provide us with enough information to know how they may develop as the permanent teeth start emerging.

The benefits of early intervention by Dr. Blalock include:

  • A better prognosis for how the permanent teeth will develop
  • The ability to correct any habits that may be the cause of development problems, such as thumb sucking or tongue pushing
  • Correcting bite problems like an open bite, cross bite or deep bite
  • The ability to guide the growth of the jaw to accommodate emerging teeth
  • Lowering the risk of damage to any protruding teeth
  • The ability to improve your child’s appearance
  • Creating a more pleasing and functional arrangement of teeth, lips and face
  • Alleviating future, and possibly more invasive, dental correction
  • Increasing self-esteem and confidence in your child

Even if your child doesn’t need orthodontic treatment, a complimentary consultation gives you the opportunity to become more comfortable with what we can do to help your child if future treatment is necessary. We want to see your entire family smile for a lifetime. Building a relationship with us when your child young is just one of the ways we can make sure of those lasting smiles.

San Antonio Orthodontist, Dr. Keith Blalock provides quality orthodontics for children, teens, and adults. Contact us at 210-695-9996 or on the web at